quinta-feira, 13 de agosto de 2009

La Biennale de Venezia

Curadoria de Ivo Mesquita, o Pavilhão Brasileiro na Bienal de Veneza representou o trabalho do artista que quer viver e trabalhar na região norte do Brasil- Delson Uchôa. Formado em Medicina, Delson nasceu em Maceió, Brasil, em 1956, onde vive e trabalha.
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Técnica/acrylic on canvas, resin and coagulated acrylic on cellophane and wood.
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Delson Uchôa Gallery
Curated by Ivo Mesquita, the Brazilian Pavilion at La Biennale de Venezia represented the work of artist who both work and live in Brazil's northernmost region, Delson Uchôa! Delson Uchôa was born in Maceió, Brazil in 1956, where he lives and works.

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