Mary Heberden/1935
Fotógrafo-chefe da Vogue e Vanity Fair, Edward Steichen captou profundamente o olhar de celebridades e de moda na década de 1920 e 30. Ele imortalizou principais escritores, artistas, atores, bailarinos e políticos em retratos marcantes. A fotografia de moda foi revolucionada quando começou mostrando as criações de todos os grandes estilistas da época, incluindo Poiret, Chanel, Lelong, Lanvin, Patou e Schiaparelli. Steichen é considerado um dos fotógrafos mais influentes do século XX.

Joan Bennett/1928

Glória Swanson/1924

Greta Garbo/1928

Anna May Wong/1903

Marlene Dietrich/1934


Lee Miller/1928

Ilka Chase/1933

Benda Masks

Katherine Hepburn/1933

Joan Clement/1924

Marion Morehouse/1928

Nathalie Paley/1934

Rose Clark/1934
As chief photographer for Vogue and Vanity Fair, Edward Steichen profoundly shaped the look of celebrity and fashion photography in the 1920s and ’30s. He immortalized leading writers, artists, actors,dancers and politicians in striking portraits. Fashion photography was revolutionized when he began depicting the creations of all the great designers of the age, including Poiret, Chanel, Lelong, Lanvin, Patou and Schiaparelli. Steichen is considered one of the most influential photographers of the twentieth century.
Bonjour Steichen!
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